===== Building OWFS 2.9x on Cygwin ===== * Required packages for compilation: gcc, automake, autoconf, make, patch, libtool, vim, ed, libusb-win32, libusb1.0, libusb1.0-devel, wget * To install the required Cygwin packages from command line, execute the following commands. Have wget installed before. If you get an error "md5sum: standard input: no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found" when executing apt-cyg have a look at [[http://superuser.com/questions/894696/apt-cyg-install-return-md5sum-error]] wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg chmod +x apt-cyg mv apt-cyg /usr/local/bin/ apt-cyg install gcc-core automake autoconf make patch libtool vim ed libusb-win32 libusb1.0 libusb1.0-devel \ procps dialog curl * Required packages for running iButton Manager: procps, dialog, libusb-win32, libusb1.0, curl * Download owfs from http://owfs.sourceforge.net * Extract the source code * Compile owfs by issuing ./bootstrap autoreconf -if ./configure --disable-owtcl make make install =====USB-Driver===== Download [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/|libusb-win32-devel-filter]] and install it. Start the INF-Wizard program, choose the device (Vendor ID 0x04FA, Product ID 0x2490) and generate a corresponding INF file. Update the driver for the DS9490-USB-Adapter in Windows-Device-Manager and indicate the directory containing the generated INF-file. If necessary remove any previously installed Dallas driver [[http://owfs.org/index.php?page=windows-usb]]. Afterwards //testlibusb// should report the USB-Adapter $ testlibusb Dev #0: 0000 - 0000 Dev #1: 04FA - 2490 =====Testing===== Connect the OW-USB-Adapter and start owserver, owhttp. Then browse to http://localhost:3001/ /opt/owfs/bin/owserver.exe -u -p 3000 /opt/owfs/bin/owhttpd.exe -s 3000 -p 3001 #Read directory /opt/owfs/bin/owdir.exe -s 3000 /